3,650 research outputs found

    Precise localization for aerial inspection using augmented reality markers

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comThis chapter is devoted to explaining a method for precise localization using augmented reality markers. This method can achieve precision of less of 5 mm in position at a distance of 0.7 m, using a visual mark of 17 mm × 17 mm, and it can be used by controller when the aerial robot is doing a manipulation task. The localization method is based on optimizing the alignment of deformable contours from textureless images working from the raw vertexes of the observed contour. The algorithm optimizes the alignment of the XOR area computed by means of computer graphics clipping techniques. The method can run at 25 frames per second.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The cyclical trend of local public service governance: evidence from urban water management in Spain

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    The level of public and private involvement in economic activity in societies has changed over time. One may talk about the existence of a cyclical trend in which the most important periods of public governance are replaced by periods in which private management dominates the situation. This phenomenon may also be observed in local areas. Some authors have pointed out the existence of an alternation in the provision of municipal services, resulting in periods dominated by governance compared to other stages dominated by private management. In order to illustrate this cyclical trend at local level, this paper intends to analyze the evolution of the governance of the Spanish water supply since the mid-nineteenth century to the present day. Recent evidence from the industry suggests the possibility that we may currently be witnessing a further change in the trend.: Local Government, urban water supply, privatization, municipalization

    Academic Performance and ICT. A Study with Educational Websites at the University of Murcia, Spain

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    Se analizan las relaciones entre implicación del alumno en la utilización de webs didácticas de asignatura (a través del número de accesos) y rendimiento académico (calificaciones). Todo ello en 189 alumnos de 3 asignaturas de la Universidad de Murcia. Se comprueba como esa implicación de los estudiantes con la utilización de la web didáctica de su asignatura se relaciona positivamente con sus resultados académicos (analizando los datos tanto con técnicas correlaciónales como con técnica de ANOVA). El resultado supone un paso más allá de la constatación previa existente de la buena acogida que los alumnos hacen de estas herramientas didácticas.Connections between the student's involvement in the usage of teaching webs (via access count) and academic performance (grades) are analyzed in 189 students of 3 subjects at the University of Murcia. It can be observed that involvement of students with the use of teaching webs is positively related to their academic performance (data was analyzed using both correlational and ANOVE techniques). This result is a step beyond the previous acknowledgement of the favorable reception of those didactical tools by the students.Universidad de Murci

    Necesidades de orientación en educación secundaria obligatoria

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    Investigación educativa.El presenta proyecto de investigación tiene la finalidad de dar a conocer mediante la recogida de información a través de un cuestionario, las necesidades reales de orientación de estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria de un instituto perteneciente a la ciudad de Granada. Se trata de una investigación no experimental con carácter preferentemente cuantitativo, aunque también posee cierto grado de cualitativa. Teniendo en cuenta la sociedad tan cambiante en la que vivimos resulta crucial conocer las necesidades reales de nuestros futuros ciudadanos para poder adaptar las intervenciones realizadas desde los servicios de orientación a las necesidades y características de este colectivo y procurar que las actuaciones ejerzan como mecanismo coordinador entre las demandas de la sociedad y las necesidades de los educandos. Para abordar más en profundidad esta cuestión, el cuestionario utilizado está compuesto por diversos ítems que tratan los ámbitos, académico, personal y profesional de la persona para un análisis de las necesidades.Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Grado en Pedagogí

    Expectatives dels usuaris directes i indirectes dels serveis esportius en edat escolar en una comarca aragonesa

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    L’objecte d’aquest treball és conèixer les expectatives que els usuaris directes i indirectes tenen de la utilització d’aquests serveis públics a la comarca aragonesa Ribera Baja del Ebro. La població objecte d’estudi està formada pel total d’alumnes inscrits en aquests serveis i els pares i mares d’assistents a escoles esportives. El nombre total de pares enquestats és de 146, cosa que suposa un 45 % de resposta, un error de ± 6,14 i un nivell de confiança del 95,5 %. L’anàlisi de les dades la vam realitzar amb el paquet estadístic SPSS 12.0, el qual va possibilitar la posada en pràctica de les tècniques estadístiques necessàries per a aquesta investigació. En relació amb els resultats principals, vam concloure que les expectatives dels usuaris directes d’aquests serveis són divertir-se, millorar la salut i la condició física i incrementar la capacitat de rendiment. D’altra banda, els pares i mares tenen com a expectatives que es diverteixin els seus fills i filles, que millorin la seva salut i la seva condició física i que incrementin les seves relacions socials

    A Model-driven and Tool-supported Proposal for Defining Automatic Clinical Practice Guidelines

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    Modern clinical practices for treating pathologies are underpinned by evidence-based clinical knowledge, which is usually defined and formalized in a textual format using clinical practice guidelines (CPGs). This textual formalization causes a certain level of ambiguity, subjective interpretation of the clinical recommendations to be suggested and actions to be performed, and variability in clinical practice by different healthcare professionals facing similar clinical circumstances. This paper presents an industrial experience (GIMO-PD project) that proposes to improve formalization and reduce the clinical variability that exists when CPGs are followed by healthcare professionals during their professional activity. Specifically, this paper proposes a domain specific language for modelling CPGs without ambiguity, as well as model-driven and tool-supported mechanisms for the development of Web applications from a CPG model. At present, our proposal is being developed and validated in a real scenario of patients with Parkinson\u27s disease

    Business Process Management for optimizing clinical processes: A systematic literature review

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    Business Process Management is a new strategy for process management that is having a major impact today. Mainly, its use is focused on the industrial, services, and business sector. However, in recent years, it has begun to apply for optimizing clinical processes. So far, no studies that evaluate its true impact on the healthcare sector have been found. This systematic review aims to assess the results of the application of Business Process Management methodology on clinical processes, analyzing whether it can become a useful tool to improve the effectiveness and quality of processes. We conducted a systematic literature review using ScienceDirect, Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, and Springer databases. After the electronic search process in different databases, 18 articles met the pre-established requirements. The findings support the use of Business Process Management as an effective methodology to optimize clinical processes. Business Process Management has proven to be a feasible and useful methodology to design and optimize clinical processes, as well as to automate tasks. However, a more comprehensive follow-up of this methodology, better technological support, and greater involvement of all the clinical staff are factors that play a key role for the development of its true potential.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of the Spanish Government (ref. TIN2014-53067-C3-1-R) and co-financed by FEDER

    The cyclycal trend of local public service governance: evidence from urban water management in Spain

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    The level of public and private involvement in economic activity in societies has changed over time. One may talk about the existence of a cyclical trend in which the most important periods of public governance are replaced by periods in which private management dominates the situation. This phenomenon may also be observed in local areas. Some authors have pointed out the existence of an alternation in the provision of municipal services, resulting in periods dominated by governance compared to other stages dominated by private management. In order to illustrate this cyclical trend at local level, this paper intends to analyze the evolution of the governance of the Spanish water supply since the mid-nineteenth century to the present day. Recent evidence from the industry suggests the possibility that we may currently be witnessing a further change in the trend